Developing bold new ways of working to support communities to live well locally
Stories of Impact: Living Well Greater Manchester
Greater Manchester Living Well
Stories of Impact: HALN
GoodLives GM
Innovation Unit Design Academy
Adopting Innovation to improve health and care
Innovation Unit is working with four health and care systems to set up innovation hubs where they can develop knowledge, skills and confidence to identify, adapt and adopt the innovations which make a difference to people’s lives.
Sport England
Health Equalities
Health Anchors Learning Network
The Health Anchors Learning Network (HALN) is a UK-wide network for people responsible for, or interested in, anchor approaches in health to share and learn from each other.
No Wrong Door
Named Social Worker
Healthy Families New Zealand
A new care model for older people
School Design Lab
Through School Design Lab we offer a practical, holistic approach to the challenge of school design, backed up by a wealth of experience and insight from across the world.
Innovations in children’s social care
The care system can be transformative, giving young people and their families the support they need at the most difficult points in their lives. But too many young people have a poor experience of the system and poor long-term outcomes, leaving care without the skills, relationships or emotional stability to ready them for adulthood.
Peer Crowds Alcohol Behaviour Change Project
Family relationships
How parents relate to one another has a deep and long lasting impact on their children’s lives – for good or for ill. Every day, local authorities come into contact with families, so how can professionals spot the signs of relationship difficulty and help parents with the support they need?
Diabetes model of care
We brought together clinicians, service providers, people living with diabetes and their families to design a new model of care.
Behind the wheel
We worked with the Aotearoa New Zealand Transport Agency and Accident Compensation Corporation to co-design a behaviour change programme to reduce the number of young people driving without a license or in breach of license conditions.