Place-based change
Projects in 'Place-based change'

Place based transformation
The Caithness Place Based Demonstrator
Developing bold new ways of working to support communities to live well locally
with Hub North Scotland & Scottish Futures Trust

Mental Health Innovation
From Vision to Reality
Mental Health Transformation in Greater Manchester

Mental Health Innovation
Greater Manchester Living Well
Providing better mental health support across Greater Manchester
with Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Board, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust, Voluntary and Community Sector Organisations and Local Authorities across the 10 boroughs.

Health and Care Inequalities
Healthy Devon Learning Labs
A collaborative, whole system, stigma-free approach to weight
with One Devon

Resilient communities
Thriving in Murihiku
Creating a bright future with the rangatahi of Southland
with Te Rourou, Vodafone Aotearoa Foundation

Resilient communities
Tāmaki Tauawhi Kaumātua
Collective action for an age-friendly Auckland
with Auckland Council

A safe and stable home
Foyer Broome
The first of its kind: a regional foyer model for young people in the Kimberley
with Anglicare WA, Foundation Housing Ltd and Nirrumbuk Aboriginal Organisation

Resilient communities
Age-friendly Tāmaki Makaurau Report
Opportunities for system-level collaboration to create an age-friendly region
with Auckland City Council