Building capability
Projects in 'Building capability'

A safe and stable home
Imagining and becoming Future St Pat’s

A safe and stable home
My Home, My Design: Making individualised living options real for people with disability
with Valued Lives

Mental Health Innovation
From Vision to Reality
Mental Health Transformation in Greater Manchester

Resilient communities
Healthy Families New Zealand
Building community capability to prevent chronic diseases
with Ministry of Health and Healthy Families NZ providers across Aotearoa New Zealand

International Education
Schools Design Lab
Redesigning schools and learning for the future
with Innovation Unit Australia

Resilient communities
Behaviour Change Project
Preventing alcohol related harm among young people
with Counties Manukau Health, the Health Promotion Agency, CAYAD Auckland, the Aotearoa New Zealand Drug Foundation, Odyssey, Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura, CAYAD Auckland (Auckland Council), Youthline, Real and CHAMP

A better start to life
Harekeke: Parents for Parents
Creating stronger social connections between parents of under-5s
with Innovate change and Innovation Unit Australia

Resilient communities
Diabetes model of care
Combatting type 2 diabetes in Auckland
with Auckland District Health Board and Waitematā District Health Board, Aotearoa New Zealand

Resilient communities
Behind the wheel
Keeping young drivers safe
with Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), Aotearoa New Zealand Transport Agency, Curative