Collaborating for greater impact across the UK public sector
news | 08 Nov 2017
We’re delighted to announce that Innovation Unit support and services are now available across the UK public sector through a pan-government framework agreement.
Through a new cross-sector collaboration, we have been awarded places on a government framework for Management Consultancy that gives UK public sector organisations direct access to in-depth expertise and support across the areas of Health & Community, Education, and ICT & Digital. The award follows extensive evaluation of hundreds of potential suppliers and the consortium was successful in scoring maximum available quality marks in all areas.
The consortium (yet to be formally named!) brings together organisations with a shared knowledge base and extensive experience of improving the lives of citizens on a large scale. As specialists in our fields, we have deliberately come together to offer a top quality, cost-effective alternative to traditional consultancy firms and models – providing a breadth of core consulting and management skills, paired with extensive sector knowledge and multidisciplinary expertise that comes from many years of on the ground experience.
“We are privileged to be part of such an experienced, values-driven and diverse consortium. Together, we are already delivering fantastic outcomes with a range of ambitious clients. We are delighted to have been awarded a place with our partners on this CCS framework to have an ever greater, positive impact on people’s lives across the UK.” Sarah Gillinson, CEO, Innovation Unit
Who’s in the consortium?
The consortium partners are public sector consultancy PPL, ASE, COBIC, Collaborate, Cordis Bright, LaingBuisson, Mansfield Advisors, National Voices, NA Wilson Associates, OPM Group, SSAT, the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) and Social Finance.
Together, we employ over 150 permanent staff from a range of backgrounds, including from global consultancies and sector-specific managerial and frontline experience. Combined teams are already working in partnership with local areas to improve outcomes for individuals and communities throughout the UK.
Each partner is a leader in their own specialist area who is committed to working together to a shared vision, values, standards, and a shared rate-card to support our clients to meet the demands upon 21st century public services. Current joint projects and programmes include work with commissioners and providers of public services to develop their strategies, expand their capabilities, and deliver practical change, with individuals and communities at the heart of the process.
“We are proud to be recognised for the quality and value of the projects and programmes we and our partners are involved in across the UK public sector. We are looking forward to partnering with new clients, sharing and building-upon solutions that work with and for local people to deliver meaningful improvements in their lives”.Claire Kennedy, Co-Founder and Joint Managing Director, PPL
For more information on our consultancy offer, and our work as part of the consortium, please contact Matthew Horne.
The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) RM3745 Management Consultancy Framework (MCF) replaces Consultancy One and is valid until 2021, providing a “compliant, cost effective way for central government and the wider public sector to access a variety of consultancy advice from a wide range of suppliers”. Customers can now access our resources and support via PPL’s listing in Lots 5, 6, and 8.
The CCS has set up these frameworks to be used by any UK public sector body including:
- Clinical Commissioning Groups
- Local Authorities
- Government Departments
- NHS Bodies
The robust process to date means that bodies can use the framework to commission without the need for extensive additional tender processes, making it a quick and effective way to find the right supplier. The frameworks can be used to commission consultancy for a wide range of services including:
Social and Public Health Policy
Housing Needs, Supply, Funding and support
Primary Care
Learning Disabilities and Related Conditions
Charity and Third Sector Organisations
Mental health
Alternative Delivery Models
Curriculum Development
About Innovation Unit
Innovation Unit is a not for profit social enterprise operating primarily in the UK and Australia. We create new solutions that enable more people to belong and contribute to thriving societies. Our focus is on developing thriving youth, thriving families and thriving communities.
Our approach to innovation is based on ten years working with ambitious partners in the UK and around the world. It is underpinned by a core principle: that innovation must be driven by and liberate human potential, agency and collective action.
To create the kind of impact we want to have in the world, we focus our energy on three areas:
High impact innovation consultancy – Applying and sharing our expertise in what it takes to have impact through innovation at scale.
Initiating and growing new ventures – Leading and contributing to alliances for change, and securing investment to grow new solutions ‘on the ground’ where we can make a significant impact.
Generating the demand for innovation – Actively sharing what we think, believe and know about where innovation is needed and the positive change it can create.
For more information about our Innovation Consultancy work, please contact Matthew Horne.
About PPL
PPL is an independent consulting organisation founded in 2007 to support the public sector enhance health, wellbeing and economic success across the UK. PPL are proud winners of the overall UK MCA Consulting Excellence Award for Client Service & Value 2017, Institute for Continuous Improvement in Public Services Award 2017 and Patient Experience Network National Award 2016.

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