Department of Health and Social Care Named Social Worker
Publication | 18 Jul 2017
Between 2016 and 2018, Innovation Unit and the Social Care Institute for Excellence supported nine local authorities to develop, implement and evaluate a Named Social Worker approach. The programme was initiated and funded by the Department of Health and Social Care and aimed to pilot approaches that would improve outcomes and experiences for these individuals and for the people around them.
Below you will find a wealth of documents from the programme including lessons learnt, evaluation findings and tools to support others who are interested in developing and implementing similar models.
Click the images to download.
Core documents
Putting people at the heart of social work: lessons from the Named Social Worker programme.
This guide explores the social work practice developed within sites and lessons emerging from implementation.
Evaluation Summary Report
A summary report outlining the impact of the Named Social Worker approach.
Easy Read Evaluation Report
Additional Resources
Stories of Impact
The journey of a service user and their family who were supported by a Named Social Worker.
Named Social Worker programme – site profiles and resources
Profiles, portraits and tools from Named Social Workers who took part in the programme.
Big Plans
A guide to meaningfully engaging people with learning disabilities in the development of their plan, developed by Humanly and co-designed with the Shropshire team.
10 steps to creating your own cost benefit analysis
A tool you can use to quantify the monetary impact of new service interventions.
Evaluation Reports
Evaluation Report
A full evaluation of the programme conducted by the Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE). Click here to download.
Economic Evaluation
A predictive economic analysis conducted by York Consulting. Click here to download.
Phase one: Findings from six pilot sites
Learnings from the first phase of the Named Social Worker programme.

Innovation Unit