Solving today’s problems, growing future solutions
Innovation Unit's impact
Where the work of leadership feels most difficult, where barriers to change seem most entrenched, we help our partners achieve positive, measurable impact.
Uniquely, we help places and partners solve today’s urgent problems and grow sustainable solutions for the future – building a safe and credible pathway between the two.
Our stories of impact provide real-life examples of our partnerships with ambitious, determined leaders redesigning public services and systems.
They are stories of collaboration, courage, and innovation in the face of soaring demand, workforce shortages, and overstretched budgets. Against the odds, they are stories of professionals and communities coming together to improve lives and tackle inequalities.
Our Growing People Centred Systems framework describes how we help our partners: Start with culture
We help to refresh purpose and nurture relational ways of working between people
Realise agency
We unlock the potential of people as a vital source of energy and insight in a system
Grow power
We redesign the governance and accountability through which power flows in a system to be equitable, and aligned with purpose.
Building a credible pathway to preventative public services for the future – that help families to thrive, help people to stay well, or stay out of prison, or remain in their own home – is hard. It requires cultural and structural change on many fronts: from what is measured, to how decisions are made and to where money goes.
To learn more about our approach – and to talk to our partners about what working with us is really like – Get in touch
We’d be delighted to connect you to the people we have helped to make a difference.
Introducing our impact
Our stories of impact demonstrate success in tackling today’s urgent problems, and building solutions for the future. They describe preventative models of support, which result in much better quality of life for people, and much less expensive interventions for public services.
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Explore our stories of impact here
Over the coming months, we will be sharing stories of collaboration, courage, and innovation, providing real-life examples of our partnerships with ambitious, optimistic leaders redesigning public services and systems.
Here we share our stories:
The Living Well UK programme
GoodLives GM
No Wrong Door
Always Hope
Healthy Devon Learning Labs
Adopting innovation
Health Anchors Learning Network